Healing with Ho'oponopono

Healing with Ho'oponopono

Do you believe it's possible to be free from the past? Do you believe it's possible to be 100% happy 100% of the time? Our Ancestors not only knew it was possible, they lived this way for Generations (and our Kumu’s - teachers - and traditional practitioners like Julia) still do. They knew the exact process to leave the past behind so that you are not crippled by it in daily life. And you can too…

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How Traditional Ho’oponopono Healing Makes Things Right Again

How Traditional Ho’oponopono Healing Makes Things Right Again

Can you imagine, even for the briefest of moments, what your life would be like if you lived in complete alignment with everyone and everything around you? Can you imagine a sense of peace, calm, connection and aloha (unconditional love) that is filled with such purity, lightness and contended satisfaction? What about feeling truly fulfilled and happy from moment to moment? If any of these seem unattainable, or you don’t believe that it could happen to you, then read on…

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Hula - Preserving the Past, Sharing the future

Hula - Preserving the Past, Sharing the future

To dance together as a group, utilising the chant and moving to the words of each song builds the mana and each person opens their unique connection with the Ancestors. Hula is a bridge from the past to the present and back again. To dance Hula is to dance for and with the Ancestors. Not only that, it's fun...and good for you...

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Lomi Lomi: Massage or Bodywork?

Lomi Lomi: Massage or Bodywork?

Lomi Lomi is often called Hawaiian Massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage, Hawaiian Bodywork and Kahuna Massage - which isn’t pure Hawaiian Massage. With so many different ways of describing it, knowing which one is correct can take some figuring out. But did you know that Lomi Lomi wasn't orginally called Lomi Lomi or Massage at all? Here's how it started...

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