Meet Kumu Paʻa Julia Nalani, feel 51 Generations of unbroken healing knowledge
Tradition is so-o-o-o important in Hawaiian Culture. They will always ask you about your moʻokuʻauʻhau - genealogy - and you have to be ready to recite it - flawlessly. Without error. It’s an expected Protocol that everyone understands and respects. It tells them who you are and your level of skill. Because we have such a long, unbroken tradition we start at about 10 Generations back, reciting each Kahuna’s name and where they are from.
It’s good to know because it tells you you’re in safe hands and what you’re about to receive is untainted, intact, traditional healing treatments - 100% authentic healing and massage therapy every time. Contained within every treament, session and conversation is our 51 Generations of unbroken spiritual healing knowledge, wisdom and skill passed from Kumu to Haumana - teacher to student - as it has been done for centuries.
Not everyone who practices Lomilomi Massage, or other type of Hawaiian Healing, is a Lineage Haumana and not everyone who wants to be one will be invited in - there’s usually not too many of us. And, they all don’t make it through the years and years of training either (it’s really hard) or get invited to train as a Lineage Kumu, a whole other level.
True Nature is the sacred container for all of Kumu Nālaniʻs Client work - Hawaiian Healing including Hoʻoponopono, Lomilomi Massage Therapy, La’au ka Pule/Energetic Healing, and Teaching. TN signifies the depth of our Being, acknowledging and honouring our 51 Generations of Ancestors from the old times right up to our present day with Kumu Hula Anakala Pilipo Solatorio, teacher to Kumu Pa’a Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki, teacher to Kumu Pa’a Julia Nālani Adams.
It is with the blessing of Kumu Hula Anakala Pilipo Solatorio 49th Generation and featured in the video below, that Kumu Lawrence was able to bring these teachings out of the Valley of Halawa Molokai, the home of our Lineage, so you can experience them. Mahalo Uncle.
Kumu Lawrence is the 50th generation of traditional Hawaiian knowledge teachers. He has been a student of Kumu Hula Pilipo Solatorio for 30+years. His Uniki was in 1998 (to tie/the knowledge is bound to the student) and the title of Kumu Pa’a given to him by Kumu Hula Pilipo Solatorio.
Vested to share the rich knowledge of Hawaiian Culture and Ancestry with the world, he offers rare insights to the beliefs & practices of traditional ancestral knowledge. Kumu Lawrence teaches from his home on Molokai, Hawaii. Meet Kumu Lawrence and learn more at
Kumu Pa’a Julia Nālani Adams is of Pasifika descent and can trace her ancestry to Tahiti. With her uniki - a process of elevation to Kumu Pa’a in April 2021 binding the knowledge to the student - she takes her place as the 51st Generation of Traditional Teachers.
A former Executive, she lives her life and carries out her healing work in accordance with the traditional teachings of the Lineage of her teacher, Kumu Pa'a Lawrence Aki. Her work and her life cannot be separated. She has committed her life to learning, preserving and teaching the ancient wisdom of Hawaii because it is seriously needed in these modern times. She is Kumu of Hālau Pō Me Nani - School of Hawaiian Spiritual Studies, where you will find the Spiritual Healing Courses of our Lineage, and Chief Guide at the SoHAD - School of Spirituality, Healing and Development - a Social Enterprise to further the preservation of the Teachings of Halawa Valley Molokai, and endangered Indigenous Hawaiian Spiritual Practices. When you work with Kumu Nālani you will experience the aloha - the unconditional love - the Ancestors have for you.
Anakala (Uncle) Pilipo 49th Generation of Teachers. Anakala returned to Pō (the Place of Origin) June 2023. Aloha nui Uncle, we really miss you…
Anakala Pilipo - 49th Generation Teaching