The No Tricks Way to Getting a Good Night's Sleep
/ZZZ - it's a Lomi Lomi Therapist's favourite sound and one of the few professions where falling asleep (that's the client not the therapist!) is not only a good thing but considered a compliment!
Mystical and magical chemical changes take place in the mind, body and spirit during the ancient practice of Traditional Lomi Lomi - it's a natural sleep therapy.
Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage is an infinitely more balanced and comprehensively supportive approach to the body’s own tendency towards homeostasis (everything in balance and harmony) than the more intrusive approach of using synthetic means to try and heal poor sleep.
Of course, we'd also want to support the healing of poor sleep with Ho'oponopono and Prayer, or Counselling if you prefer, to make sure you're clear and free at the very deepest levels; and your diet, exercise and breathing also play their parts, so some ongoing intention and referral to our Herbalist and favourite yoga teacher is part of the healing process.
Healthy sleep habits make a big difference in the quality of your life and the Number 1 tip for sleep magic is to get into the habit of Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage.
But how does it help me? Well, first the conversation that happens before every Lomi Lomi will help to uncover any underlying issues that might be stopping you from getting a good night's sleep. Then the Lomi Lomi itself will do it's job because the strokes, although penetrating, are gently continuous - the hands never leave the body. The motion is smooth, slow and even and the body gets rocked to sleep because the mind stops racing.
Sometimes there's a "thought shower" but it just moves through because the mind isn't able to latch on to anything in particular. And because the treatment is long, the longer it goes on the more you're lulled into a sleep-like state.
You've got to retrain your poor sleep so start with weekly treatments, cut back to fortnightly, then ease off to monthly treatments. Each time you have a treatment your physical body remembers that it's time to slow down and rest, that's how Lomi Lomi Massage helps create a new habit and pattern. That's the easiest (not to mention luxurious), no tricks way to help you reset your sleep clock and the secret to getting continuous good sleep.
Want to get better sleep? Go on over to the Contact Page to make your booking.
Recommended Counsellor: Mark Hales - Julia’s husband Mark works with her clients who want to try holistic counselling and psychotherapy methods. Mark is on many Therapists recommendations list.